A True Story (Winter)

A True Story is a turn-based strategy RPG based on "A True Story" by Lucian of Samosata.
This video game retelling of the story will follow much of the tale's bombastic adventures focusing the gameplay on combative elements in the story from escaping tree women to epic space battles with lettuce-winged creatures to surviving the inside of a whale, and even not meeting Plato himself!
Some History
The original novel was written in the 2nd century CE and is often considered the first sci-fi story.
It was originally written as satire of common tropes found in written "history" from its time, but has outlived most of the works it's a satire of as a great piece of fiction in itself.
The title has multiple translations aside from "A True Story" including "True History" and "His True History" which helps emphasize the point above.
Two English variations: the first based on the English translation by Francis Hickes originally published in 1634, and the second modernized for clarity.
21 strategic battles derived from the story's events.
A selection of extra battles not from the story, but featuring opponents from it.