Where Noble Plans Lie (2025)
The serfs are rebelling and nobles are being defenestrated! Fortunately, your advisors are convincing the populace and nobles that you're here to help. As long as nobody notices your plans to prepare street food for the vampires then everybody will be satisfied.

Make the Kingdom Yours
Build-up your territory, recruit and train your unique team of advisors, and destroy the other nobles' reputations to make their lands yours!
Build your territory the way that you want.
Put together the most convincing team of advisors in the kingdom.
Bring every part of the kingdom under your rule.
Tactical Turn-Based Debates
Recruit advisors from dozens of different types of commoners and nobles. Help them grow the way that you want them to, and win debates to get your way!
Recruit as many people as you want so that you can handle any personality type.
Put together a team of five advisors that can manage any opposition.
Teach them presentation styles that will convince anybody to agree with you.
Debate more to earn experience and raise their grade.
Reputation is Everything
Reputation is everything! Whether it's yours or somebody else's reputation you'll have to keep it where the vampire queen wants it. The nobles' reputations are in your hands. Take control over their lands by debating them until they're convinced of your "genius" ideas.
Advance the game by keeping noble reputations where they benefit you most.
Debate nobles when they disagree with you to keep your plans on track.
Don't let anybody find out!
Don't get caught by the nobles or the populace. Nobody's told them that the king's already dead or that the queen is being held hostage yet, and for your sake and theirs you will want it to stay that way!